9:49 AM

Natural Stress Management | How Aromatherapy Can Help You Beat Stress

Aromatherapy as we know it today was accidentally discovered in 1910 by a French chemist named Rene-Maurice Gattefosse. After burning his hand during an experiment in a perfume factory, he plunged it into a vat of Lavender essential oil, and was amazed at how quickly and well his hand later healed. Thus modern aromatherapy was born. The use of aromatic plants in healing and medicine can be traced back to thousands of years BC however, and evidence of the use of essential oils has even been found in Egyptian tombs and hieroglyphics.

The practice of aromatherapy harnesses the healing properties of aromatic plants and trees in the form of essential oils which are extracted from the leaves, flowers, stems, bark and roots. The extracted oils are highly concentrated, but when diluted they are suitable for use in baths, oil burners, massage oils, creams, lotions and sprays.

Aromatherapy is an extremely effective treatment for stress, as there are a number of oils which have sedating, relaxing and uplifting properties. The connection between smell and emotion is very strong, and breathing in pleasant smells triggers positive reactions in the brain which creates a sense of well being. This therapeutic effect works in addition to the healing properties of the oils.

Essential oils should not be taken internally but should be absorbed into the body either through inhalation or through the skin. There are a number of oils available which are used to treat stress and its symptoms, and there is a wide variety of ways in which oils can be used.

Probably the most relaxing method to experience aromatherapy is in the form of a massage by a qualified aromatherapist, however there are plenty of benefits to be had by practicing aromatherapy at home. Good quality essential oils can be purchased from reputable suppliers such as drugstores, natural health stores and specialist web sites. Do not buy cheap low quality oils as these are usually synthetically produced, and whilst they may smell the same, they contain none of the therapeutic benefits of the plant.

Oils such as Bergamot, Neroli, Frankincense, Geranium, Ylang-Ylang and Sandalwood are very safe, and will induce relaxation and lift your mood. Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Jasmine, Marjoram and Clary Sage have the same effect, but these oils should not be used if you are pregnant. You should avoid using any essential oils in the first trimester of pregnancy without taking advice from a doctor or a qualified aromatherapist.

You can use essential oils on their own or blended with one or two other oils for maximum effect. If you are using them on the skin they should always be diluted in a carrier oil such as Sunflower or Sweet Almond. Ways that you can use essential oils at home include:

Baths. Fill the bathtub with warm (not hot) water, then dilute 4 – 6 drops of essential oil in a little vegetable oil or milk, and add to the water. Close the door so that the vapours don’t escape, and soak for at least ten minutes.

Oil Burner. Add 2tbsp warm water to the oil burner and then add 3 – 6 drops of essential oil. Light the candle underneath, and the heat will disperse the oils into the air.

Lamp Ring. Place a couple of drops of essential oil onto a lamp ring, and place the ring on a light bulb. The heat from the light bulb will cause the oils to disperse into the air.

Room Sprays. Use a new plant sprayer, and add warm but not boiling water. Add the essential oil (4 drops per ½ pint water) and shake before use. Spray into the air, but avoid spraying onto surfaces and fabric which are likely to stain.

Massage. For massage, the essential oils must be diluted in a carrier oil such as Sunflower, Sweet Almond or Grapeseed. You will probably need around 7-10 teaspoons of carrier oil for a full body massage, so add 1 drop of essential oil per teaspoon of carrier oil. Mix well and apply to the skin with long sweeping strokes, always massaging towards the heart.

Using aromatherapy oils at home should not be taken lightly. The essential oils mentioned here are very safe, but some oils can present hazards if not properly used. If you are in any doubt, always consult a qualified aromatherapist.

You should bear in mind the following guidelines before using essential oils:

Never use undiluted oils directly on the skin

Always seek professional advice from a medical practitioner or qualified aromatherapist if you have sensitive skin, are prone to allergic reactions, are pregnant or breast feeding, have a medical condition or are taking anticoagulant drugs.

Seek advice from a qualified aromatherapist before using oils on children.

Avoid alcohol when using essential oils.

Avoid exposure to the sun if you have used essential oils on the skin.

Always keep essential oils out of the reach of children.

9:36 AM

Aromatherapy Soap | More Than a Nice Smell

Aromatherapy soap can be used in the shower or bath to create a rejuvenated or relaxed. The great thing about these soaps is that they contain therapeutic oils from plants and herbs.

A therapeutic aromatherapy soap is made from natural ingredients so it is gentle on the skin and excellent for reducing acne. It’s also excellent for dry skin. In fact harsh soaps can actually be the cause of dry skin. Aromatherapy soap is also an excellent choice for sensitive skin. Try lavender.

Rosemary mint is an aromatherapy soup with rosemary and spearmint that can be used by either women or men. It’s a nice choice if you are looking for a rejuvenated feeling when you’re done in the shower. Add a little rose for women.

If you want a sensual aromatherapy soap that’s perfect for an evening with the love of your life try patchouli, rose, and geranium. It’s also a good choice for dry skin. In fact if you want a soap strictly for dry skin replace the rose with hemp seed oil.

If you’ve managed to get a sunburn use peppermint and aloe vera aromatherapy soap. It also brings relief for insect bites too. If you want relief from your sunburn and a soap that’s calming try lemon poppy seed with peppermint. It’s a great combo.

If you want an aromatherapy soap for sensitive skin or skin eczema try a lavender or lavender and hemp oil combination. You want to stay away from floral scents if you have sensitive skin as this is likely to be an irritatant.

There are plenty of other aromatherapy soaps on the market but what’s important is that you purchase an aromatherapy soap made from all natural ingredients because products that have artificial or unnatural ingredients won’t produce the same results.

Read carefully! Too many like to advertise their soap as natural and then in the fine print you’ll find chemicals used to preserve it. That is not what you want. And if you aren’t sure don’t be afraid to ask.

You can buy your aromatherapy soap locally or for the best selection check what’s available online. There are so many great choices. Many of the soaps sold online are home made an added bonus!

You will likely pay a little more for your aromatherapy soap but it’s worth it. There is no other soap that can produce the results of these natural soaps.

If you want you can make your own aromatherapy soap. It’s really quite easy. What’s most important is that you have all natural ingredients to work with. Poor quality ingredients and your soap will crack or break. You an buy aromatherapy soap molds and ingredients online and then you can some fun making your own soap. Once you get real good you could even make some soap gifts.

Aromatherapy soap is a great way to take that boring shower and turn it into something extraordinary. It’s a great way to take that relaxing bath and make it a spa experience. So what are you waiting for?

Get all the latest information about Aromatherapy from the only true source at


10:21 PM

Nutrition For | Women

As a woman, your body is very complex. Throughout every phase of your life you will require extra care and nutritional support. Today's scientific advances support a number of natural choices for women, like soy. Still, the fact remains that calcium, folic acid and iron continue to be the most important nutrients that can impact a woman's total health. All women should take a daily multiple vitamins with these essential nutrients.

Calcium is essential to strong healthy bones.

As a woman you have a much greater risk of developing osteoporosis because you have less bone tissue and lose bone more rapidly then men do. Be sure to consume adequate calcium throughout life, as this may reduce your risk of osteoporosis later in life. Calcium is essential to the health of bones, teeth and skin, yet few adults get enough of it in their diets. Make sure you find a high quality calcium supplement to ensure you receive a health-enhancing daily allowance.

Folic acid impacts women in many ways.

It plays an important role during rapid fetal growth and development. In fact, adequate intake of folic acid as part of a healthy diet before and in early pregnancy may reduce the risk of having a baby with a birth defect of the brain or spinal cord. All women of childbearing age are recommended to consume 400 mcg of folic acid everyday starting at least one month before conception into the early weeks of pregnancy.

Folic acid also plays a role in the maintenance of normal homocysteine levels; elevated levels of homocysteine are believed to be a risk factor of heart health.


Iron is a vital nutrient that plays an essential role in forming healthy red blood cells and transporting oxygen. It's estimated that as many as 62% of women over the age of 20 are not meeting the RDA for iron. Women also tend to be low in iron because they tend to eat foods low in iron and lose iron through menstruation.

Drinking a glass of orange juice with your cereal can boost iron absorption by the body. Vitamin C helps the body metabolize the iron. A high quality Vitamin C supplement rich in antioxidants to help fight the harmful effects of free radicals is a wonderful supplement not only to assist iron absorption, but also to combat ageing.

Vitamin C is coveted for its many benefits, including a contribution to healthy bones, teeth, blood vessels and the production of collagen.

In addition to taking a daily multiple vitamin, routine exams are key to prevention and healthy living. You should have a yearly gynecological exam that includes a pelvic exam, breast exam and PAP test. Also, consider performing monthly self-breast exams to familiarize yourself with how your breasts normally look and feel. If you are over 40, you should have a mammogram every year.

12:10 AM

A Rose is Not | Just a Rose

The rose is perhaps one of the most powerful symbols in the metaphysical world. It is also one of the most accessible tools that can be used for everyday magic. The gift of a rose is also one of the simplest ways to say, "I love you" without too much hocus-pocus. The thorns on its stems represent the "prick" of love and the overcoming of obstacles to achieve your desires. It is the pinnacle of metaphorical purity and symbolizes completion and perfection.

The element associated with the rose is Water, so it is particularly friendly to the astrological signs of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Both Mercury and Venus rule this flower. A bath in rose petals or rose water (which is distilled from the buds) is said to attract love to the bathing beauty. An ancient custom is to sprinkle the bed of newly weds with rose petals to sweeten the initial carnal relations. In ancient alchemical formulas the red rose is used as a masculine principle and the rose represents the feminine or receptive principle. The combination of the two (perhaps growing the two bushes intertwined in the garden) represents harmony and unity.

Rose oil, which is extracted through a rather expensive process from the petals of the flower, is also prominent in both love and healing rituals. When applied the temples the oil is said to cure a headache. When applied to the thighs or breasts it is supposed to attract a suitor. As an essential oil, the rose's essence is thought to relieve depression, PMS and postnatal depression. It is also said to cure frigidity and impotence. Bach's Herbal Remedies makes a distillation of the Wild Rose. Taking drops of this under your tongue is thought to help the patient free themselves from a rut or feelings of hopelessness and being trapped by fate. Rose water is used in cooking spells and added to curries and cake mixes to infuse the dish with good spirits and love attracting qualities. The water is also splashed on the skin (but not around the eyes) to give you a complexion as dewy as the flower.

The rose historically also symbolizes the female genitalia and is associated with Cupid, Eros, Adonis, Aphrodite, Isis, Hathor, and Demeter. Rose water and rose petals are often used in magical rituals to honor these gods and goddesses.

Although red roses are traditionally seen as symbols of lust, love and the flower also has a long association with such qualities as purity, compassion and divine perfection. The white rose in particular has an affinity with the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit.

The color of the rose is also significant. Red roses symbolize love, sex and passion. Pink roses suggest friendship, joy, gratitude and fun. Yellow roses can symbolize enthusiasm, but according to some folklore, the yellow rose can symbolize deception or "the perfect crime." Orange roses signify enthusiasm, passion and a lust for life. White roses are symbolic of significant landmarks in life (such as death, birth and marriage), unconditional love, purity and innocence.

The flower is not the only part of the rose that is used in divination and magic. To discover their romantic future, women used to take pluck three green rose leaves and name one after each of their suitors. The one that stayed green the longest was her soulmate. Rose hips can be strung like beads on a thread and worn as a necklace to attract love. Drinking rose-hip tea is thought to increase one's powers of prophecy.

Ironically, for a flower that is often given as a gift, the most powerful roses are said to be those that have been stolen from another person's garden.

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